What Matters: Conversations Artwork

What Matters: Conversations

How can psychology, science and spirituality contribute to the healing of our souls and our planet? How can we draw upon our inner resources of wisdom, strength, acceptance, peace and joy?“What Matters: Conversations” explores how, in these uncertain times, we can connect with the richness of our inner world and make a difference in the outer world through the framework of the transpersonal psychology: psychosynthesis. Dr. Roberto Assagioli, the 20th century Italian psychiatrist and founder of psychosynthesis, called his approach "a spiritual psychology founded in the synthesis of western positive science and eastern esoteric wisdom." Through the theory, maps and tools of psychosynthesis we become better able to align and ignite our inner resources, live more harmoniously and cooperatively with others, and honor both humanity and the earth that is our home. Join us with our hosts, Craig Behenna and Christina Gustafson, in conversation with psychosynthesis practitioners in the fields of coaching, health and healing, business, spirituality, education and the arts - conversations to inform and inspire, to awaken your purpose and create your life.

What Matters: Conversations

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